Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here I go Again

  • Currently at midstream in the year, is when I usually take time out to refresh my body with dieting, cleansing, exercising, etc. --- all washed down with 1 martini, 2 martini, 3 martini and so on.
    I weigh in every morning and come to realize that with each martini, I gain 1 pound.
    So today, I'm up to 215 pounds. Before I left for New Orleans 4 weeks ago, I weighed in at 206.
    Therefore -- Yes, therefore -- I'm am back on my protein diet and I started working out for a half hour everyday except Sunday at the local Fitness center. I will keep an account of my progress, or lack of it, on this site.
    Cheerio -- I'm off to Cathy Jackson's Synergy Fitness Center in the Amish Collection complex of Eureka Springs.